Monday, April 1, 2013

Legacy, Not the Car

Do you ever wonder what kind of legacy you are going to leave?  I think about it probably more often than I should.  I want to be remembered fondly by my friends and family.  I want to have made some kind of positive contribution to the generations that follow me.  I'm not saying I want to leave a ton of money or be posthumously famous; I don't need people to remember me as the person, I just want to have made a positive, worthwhile and lasting impact. Whether it is credited to me or not doesn't matter.

I suppose I think on my legacy so much because I feel that, to date, I have not done anything or own anything worth while.  But how do you make the future better? How do you make a world changing impact?  Start small and hope it grows? Or go big so it can't be ignored?  I suppose I am the little type, make a change starting with me, my friends, and family.  All I can do is pass on what I've learned just by living. So,what would I say if I were to write a legacy for future generations to read?:

Do what makes you happy.  There will always be those who try to force you to live up to their standards, to do their bidding, and to live according to their desires.  Do not ignore them, for many of them have learning and experience more than your own and are worth your consideration and respect, but do not abide by them if it is not your will, your desire, and your decision.  Living by other peoples standards will only cause you heartache. 

Prove your love.  Saying the words is only the beginning, and do not say them unless you mean them.  Beyond voicing the words, always live up to your word, prove it in your actions.  If you love someone, prove it to them daily; tell them you love them, give them a hug, give them your full attention when interacting with them.  Do kind things, especially when they aren't required or expected of you.  Friends and family are the most important things in life, without them you are little more than nothing.

Stay positive. Life is hard.  Life is cruel.  It is easy to turn pessimistic.  Wake up every morning thinking positive and no matter what life throws at you, stay positive.  When we worry, or get stressed, or angry, life becomes immensely more difficult and dark.  It is good to let yourself scream and cry once in awhile, but do not ever let yourself stay down too long.  Get up, keep going, and do your best.  And always try to see the bright side...or at least the light at the far end.

Have fun.  Life is hard work.  Life is a burden.  Throw off the tie and 'hose and have a little fun.  Work hard but don't forget to play hard, as well.  Laugh, love, have plenty of orgasms, sing, and dance. When you are too old to do the wild things you will wish you had done them more.

Thank those who have been there for you. Don't be too proud to accept help because not many people are willing to offer it.  Be willing to help, there aren't many people who are.  Your true friends are those who will come to your aid no matter what the cost to them.  Accept their kindness because you need it but always recognize their sacrifice, be grateful, and return the favor.

Don't be naive.  Don't take anything at face value.  Many things are not what they seem.  Many people have ulterior motives.  Do your research and don't come to a final conclusion until you are educated on all sides of the matter.  Just because your family or friends are one religion or political affiliation doesn't mean you have to be.  Ask questions, be skeptical, but don't be naive, nor paranoid.

Don't take anything for granted. Everything is worth something whether it be monetary worth, educational worth, emotional worth; everything has some kind of worth. Pay attention to everyone and everything.  You can learn a lot if you just keep your eyes and ears open.

And finally, don't worry.  I can not stress how hard life is.  It is hard by every definition of the word. And because life is hard, I can not stress enough the importance of friends and family.  You need each other to get through life, you need the help, the support, the reassurance, and the joy, love, happiness, and fulfillment they bring.  Life is hard, but don't stress it, don't worry, your friends and family have your back.

Maybe I haven't learned that much, yet.  I hope by time I die I will have learned and experienced enough to leave something worth while to future generations.

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